About me
Dr. Abu-Odeh is a research scientist and program manager in the Infrastructure Protection program at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). Since joining TTI in late 1995, Dr. Abu-Odeh has been actively involved in finite element modeling and simulation of vehicular impacts with roadside safety structures using LS-DYNA.
Dr. Abu-Odeh has broad experience in numerical simulation of structural systems based on formal course work of finite element analysis of structures and extensive use of finite element codes such as LS-DYNA and ABAQUS. His recent projects include developing finite element models of a tubular W-beam bridge rail, a temporary concrete traffic barrier for the Texas Department of Transportation and a slip base luminaire pole under a cooperative agreement with the Federal Highway Administration.
Dr. Abu-Odeh has participated in several advanced training workshops pertaining to LS-DYNA, non-linear finite element method, effective use of super computers and optimization of computer codes.