About me
I have worked in the Civil engineering Design industry for 26 years on a diverse range of large scale infrastructure projects that include road, rail, airports, water, bridge and tunnel design. The position in which I feel comfortable is leading Road Design teams and large projects management not only in Spain but also in other countries like New Zealand, Italy, Qatar, Australia, Norway, Chile, Panamá, Albania and Egypt. I also took part in many other projects in some other places like Romania, Canada, Bulgaria, Gabon, Croatia and Brasil.
I have developed all my career in the same company, currently in the Technical Department of the Roads and Structures Specialized Bussiness Unit in Acciona Construccion, leading large International Bids and giving support to different projects in process. Formerly, I have been part of different departments of Acciona Ingenieria, leading multidisciplinary projects in diverse countries.
I strongly believe in innovation, communication, multidisciplinarity and establishing effective working relations in a multi-cultural environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity, and pride myself on my attention to detail and to have submitted successfully under very adverse conditions, communicating effectively with all levels of staff and external clients and stakeholders.
I also believe in Engineering as a way of generate culture. Thus, I have taken part in several Congresses on Construction History and I have written a large number of publications, mainly on Dams History