About me
Poorna Bhattacharya, AICP, LEED AP, is the owner of Asha Planning, with over 20 years of experience providing multimodal transportation planning services. She focuses her career on complete streets and context sensitive transportation planning projects that integrate the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists into one transportation system. She specializes in facilitating public and stakeholder outreach as a component of larger planning efforts. Poorna combines her background in Architecture and Urban Planning to advocate for a transportation system that is a cohesive extension of the built environment. In the last decade, she has passionately worked on bicycle and pedestrian safety initiatives and multimodal mobility efforts. Prior to starting her consulting practice, she worked for national planning and engineering firms. Poorna is a mother of two spirited children who love riding their bikes all around the neighborhood and advocating for safe walking and biking to anyone that would listen.