About me
Raj V. Ponnaluri serves as the Vice President and National Emerging Technologies Lead, and the Traffic/ITS/CAV and ET lead of the Eastern Region at Consor Engineering. Previously, Raj lead Florida’s Emerging Technologies (ET), the Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV), Arterial Management, and Managed Lanes (ML) programs at Florida DOT. He also assisted with the development of the Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) initiatives. At FDOT, Raj brought his leadership and experience to implementing the latest in advanced transportation technologies. He also lead the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program at FDOT.
Raj holds a BS, MS, and PhD in transportation engineering and an MBA. He is a registered P.E., PTOE, PMP, and a Public Procurement Specialist and a Project Manager. The last two are from ITC-ILO, Turin, Italy. Raj has conducted numerous training programs in management, mainly on Project Management and World Bank Procurement. He has over 28 years of experience in Traffic Engineering and Operations, intelligent transportation system (ITS), TSM&O, CAV, ET, wrong-way driving (WWD), public transportation, and projects and contract management. Raj has published his work in several journals, and has authored a book titled, "Connected and Automated Vehicles: Developing Policies, Designing Programs, and Deploying Projects."
Raj is the immediate past Chair of the ITE CAV Steering Committee, co-Chair of AASHTO’s CTSO ITS Working Group, and a Member of the CTSO CAV Working Group.
Raj has published his works with ITE, the Transportation Research Board, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Transport Policy, and International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences Research.